Delight in easy travel planning with our Best Flexible Rate. We understand that your travel plans can change due to last-minute circumstances, but there is no reason why your rates should too. With our Best Flexible Rate, you can lock down on attractive prices now and still modify or cancel your reservation later on. Wherever you are headed, delight in the best rates and a smarter way to make your travel plans. Simply make a booking now to get the Best Flexible Rates and make your stay a memorable one.
Terms & conditions
- Free cancellation by 6 PM (JST) on the day prior to your arrival date. In case of later cancellation or no-show, you will be charged the accommodation fee for the first night.
- Early check-outs will be considered late cancellations and you will be responsible for the first night’s room and tax charge which is not consumed for the remainder of the stay. In the case of a non-refundable plan, you are responsible for all remaining unconsumed room and tax charges.
- Accommodation tax will be applied at the time of checkout.
- Bookings are subject to availability.
- Image is for illustration purposes.
For inquiries & Reservations
Please email us here Tel:+81-6-6374-5700